Quick Start Reference Guide for payroll

This is an outline of the primary tasks required for a fully functioning payroll, from creating the company through to performing a payroll.

Mandatory steps are marked with *

* Creating a new company

payroll provides a wizard which is used to create new companies. You can create unlimited companies in . and are restricted only by the number of employees licensed in your database.


Add new user accounts

You can create your own system users (in addition to the default administrator) and assign specific roles to them.


Set up system preferences

Choose general system preferences, file storage locations (backup files, bank files etc.) and security settings. You can also define email settings and apply password protection to email attachments.


Define a Payroll Framework

The payroll framework comprises the 'building blocks' of your payroll system, such as a costing structure, employment conditions, templates and so on.


Set up the general ledger

payroll can export payroll transactions to your accounting software via a general ledger interface. You can apply your existing general ledger codes to the payroll costing structure if you wish to use this feature.


Set up the financial year

The financial year is made up of your payroll week numbers and months, and is used for payroll reporting purposes. It is also used to store various thresholds for the current financial year.


Install tax scales

You must have tax scales present for the current financial year before you begin processing payroll.


Define state payroll tax liabilities

This is an optional step, performed only if you want payroll to calculate a payroll tax liability.


Define workplace liabilities

This is an optional step, performed only if you want payroll to calculate workcover premiums.


Add employees

Once the structure and payroll framework have been defined, a wizard can be used to add your employee files to the system. You can preview the pays you define for each employee to ensure that your structure has been set up as required.


Perform a payrun

You are now ready to perform your first payrun in the new company.



More than 200 reports are available to report on payroll data as well as employee details and system settings.


General Ledger functions

You can export various transactions to general ledger, including payroll transactions, leave provisions and so on.